Time to Go Solar ⚡⚡

And you are at the right place to Start!

Fill in below details and We’ll get you through the Solar Journey !! 

Frequently Asked Questions

What, When, Why, Where, How, $%^&^%$#

….Get answers to all your questions, by talking to our Solar Experts. We’re listening!

The short answer is Savings. When you produce your own electricity, you get..

  • 80-90% reduction in electricity bills.
  • Safe guard from future tariff hikes.
  • and the delight of being a Green Consumer 🤩

YES! Anything and everything that runs on your existing electricity connection will continue to work on solar as well.

Apart from upfront purchase:

Homeowners can opt for Low cost EMI plan for up to 4 years.

Housing societies can opt for OPEX model. Talk to us to know more.

Latest Solar News..

Subsidy disbursed 🥳

Solar subsidy for homeowners released from National Rooftop portal. 

Housing societies’ subsidy expected soon!

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